Final Frontier

Discord | Medium | Twitter | Youtube | FinalFrontierSA.com
Faction: MUD territory
Founder: Ardo
Founded: Unknown
Members: 5000+
Industry / Specialisation: Exploring, Mining, Manufacturing / Engineering, Science, PVP / Combat, Mercenary, Transport / Haulage.
Recruitment status
//Open: Join our discord for more info
Final Frontier (FRNT) is a professional gamer's guild and Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) focused on digital industrial development, Play2Earn gaming, business relations, and logistics/multifaction operational security for Star Atlas missions. Final Frontier has a sub-focus on investing in crypto assets and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) used in virtual environments and blockchain games. The organization’s mission is to generate earning opportunities through existing games and protocols for the guild's community whilst creating additional asset utilization through integration of the Gear Shop to the rapidly growing virtual economy, whilst sharing its rewards with Final Frontier members, investors, and partners. The organization's ultimate goal is to unite people and create change through gaming.
We believe in embracing the four currencies of the world:
Time — To make the most of each day to learn, progress, and accomplish a task.
Knowledge — To share this with one another in order to synchronize our ideas and increase our cup of intellect.
Relationships — To build partnerships, trust, understanding, respect, and passion for common interests and goals.
Money — A derivative of the harmony of the first 3 currencies, and understanding that if we are going to have financial freedom and success, then we must place the other 3 currencies higher on the priority list of our core intentions.