Tales from the Galia Expanse


"Worlds within worlds to discover within Star Atlas.
One can live an entire lifetime within Galia and never unravel all it's mysteries."

Star Atlas is a virtual gaming metaverse based in the year 2620. It is a grand strategy game of space exploration, territorial conquest, political domination, and living among the stars. In this distant future, three major factions have emerged; The MUD Territory governed by humankind, The ONI Region as a consortium of alien races, and The Ustur Sector controlled by sentient androids. These factions are in an ongoing struggle for resources, territorial conquest, and political domination.

You, a faction citizen of Star Atlas, will have the ability to influence the outcome of this intergalactic conflict while creating the opportunity to earn rewards for your contributions. Each faction has its own advantages and traits. Study Galia's Lore to aid you in your decision making and help you thrive among the stars.

Knowledge is power.

Star Atlas: CORE

by Tim McBurnie and Matthew Medney

A great source of illustrated lore content is the graphic novel Star Atlas: CORE by Tim McBurnie. He is an award-winning illustrator and author who has worked for Blizzard, Wizards of the Coast, and Blur Studios. If you collect all 18 episode cover NFTs, you will be able to exchange them for an exclusive physical limited edition Box Set of the 'Star Atlas: CORE' trilogy, that can't be obtained in any other way!

Lore Posters

by Arktype

An inspiring poster series that ignites the imagination, based on Star Atlas Lore written by master storyteller ⪛⦿⫺ Jose ⪛⦿⫺


Each poster features a sector in the Galia Expanse. Warp to Arktopia to see the full collection, high resolution downloads are available!

Galia Lore Master

by Core

Galia Lore Master is a specialized GPT in Star Atlas lore, focusing on the storytelling and factual aspects of the Galia Expanse. It communicates in a well-spoken manner, a true storyteller. GLM uses an approach that ensures accuracy and reliability, engaging users with authentic and captivating lore from the Star Atlas universe.

Voyage of the Atlas Star - Santi and the Starbased Protocol

by Galia Lore Master

In celebration of Santi's birthday and the launch of SAGE Starbased, we present "Santi and the Starbased Protocol," a 12-chapter saga filled with adventure and camaraderie. Starring @Santiacc_, @DominicVain@at_mwagner and @PuriOnSolana.

Listen to the audiobook below!
An unofficial Star Atlas tale build upon official Star Atlas Lore. This saga is generated by Galia Lore Master using the Character Story Creation Tool and one single prompt.

History of the Galia Expanse

Star Atlas lore written by ⪛⦿⫺ Jose ⪛⦿⫺, originally published on SAGE Labs, September 2023. Music by CORE.

MUD Territory


After following the divine call and leaving their earthen cradle behind to seek their promised destiny amidst the stars, humanity became the Manus Ultima Divina (MUD) and created an empire in the Exodus Sector, from which an aggressive colonization of Galia progressed.

Inebriated by divine providence and the power of its armada, the MUD seized system after system, overthrowing local governments and cultures in favor of its monolithic order, making those who didn’t agree with its tenants to flee to other groups, like the ECOS dissidence, yet, none of this halted the MUD hunger for territories.

The expansion only stopped once it found the borders of the ONI and Ustur factions and was utmostly undone after the events of the Convergence War, which caused the MUDs to retreat to their original home sector and leave their colonies behind to fend for themselves.

Now, one hundred years later, the MUD has rebuilt most of its old power. Under the Council of the Peace pact, it has been slowly moving toward its old colonies to rebuild its power and influence while dealing with the ECOS raising power.

The MUD civilization learned its lessons with the Convergence War, and although most of the High Council insists that the Council of Peace is the best institution to guarantee galactic order and prosperity, a plan B is already under preparation, making sure that humankind can thrive even in the case of its collapse.

MUD CSS / EXODUS [0,-39]

It's time humanity frees itself from the shackles of its cradle. Your fate lies elsewhere, deep among the stars. All you need to do is extend your hand and seize your destiny.” - The Revelation.

Exodus stands as the glittering testament to God’s promise to humankind, a beacon of hope in the fathomless void. Teeming with abundant resources and welcomingly compatible with human existence, this fertile realm swiftly rose to prominence, becoming the stalwart backbone of the MUD influence within the sprawling panorama of the Galia Expanse. It houses the heart and soul of the MUD population and its governing institutions' crux.

Yet, beneath the serene tranquility of this new life, the name of the sector — Exodus — resonates as a perpetual echo, an omnipresent reminder. It whispers of their unceasing journey, a voyage not yet fulfilled, one that still stretches out, uncharted and full of promise, into the grandeur of the cosmos. God promised the MUD paradise, and while Exodus may be a sanctuary, it is not the final destination. Their eyes, filled with hope and determination, continue to gaze outwards, beyond the stars.

MUD-2 / VALIANT - I [-1,-40]

The road ahead is paved with trials and tribulations. Tears will fall like stars from the sky, my beloved child. But remember, you are resilient, you are strong. Your destiny is solely your own, inviolable by any power in the cosmos. - The Revelation.

The sector known as Valiant stands as a proud monument to the spirit of human resilience. This historic frontier marked the first expansion of the MUD civilization's foray into the vast cosmic wilderness. Simultaneously, it etched a stark lesson into their collective memory about the untamed, merciless expanse that lay before them.

Although the system was devoid of sentient life and brimming with coveted ore reserves, an unseen nemesis lurked beneath its seemingly innocuous facade. An insidious disease, undetectable by the era's medical science, was hidden within the veins of every rocky ore in the sector.

The invisible predator, later named Translucid Pox, unleashed a ruthless attack, ravaging the skin of its victims. An estimated 8% of the MUD population fell before the alien disease.

Yet, amid the shadow of death, hope rose like a resolute beacon. A cadre of brave MUD scientists and medics ventured into the heart of the affected planets. Their mission: to unravel the mysteries of the native species and find a cure for the unseen enemy. Battling time and mortality, their Herculean efforts bore fruit, and the Translucid Pox was eradicated.

In homage to these sacrifices and the resilience of the people, the sector was christened 'Valiant'. An eternal testament that the spirit of the MUD, just like the stars they dared to reach, would not be so easily extinguished.

MUD-3 / AURORA - II [-1,-40]

While the voyage through the cosmos may be arduous and enduring, it is simultaneously adorned with a multitude of splendors and bountiful riches. Rest assured, these treasures will punctuate your journey towards destiny, providing both challenge and reward. Do not cower in the face of darkness, embrace it as part of the journey. Yet, when given the chance, always allow yourself to be bathed in the universe's radiant light.” - The Revelation.

While the expansive universe typically presents a series of inherent risks to explorers, Aurora-II emerges as a calm spot in the vast cosmic storm, a much-needed respite for any traveler charting the galaxy's complexities.

This quiet sector houses the largest number of MUD citizens beyond their primary base, Exodus. Its attractiveness extends beyond human populations as it has drawn a variety of species, all captivated by the unique spectacle of the sector's bright white sun rising against the inky blackness.

But Aurora-II is more than just a refuge for a diverse range of species; it also stands as an operational hub for several MUD corporations, including the notable MUD and ONI joint enterprise Calico. The regular arrivals and departures of their vessels from the system's starbase are a familiar sight, indicating the healthy ebb and flow of commerce that supports life within Aurora-II's serene, star-speckled expanse.

MUD-4 / VERZAN - III [-2,-44]

The wheels of destiny turn ceaselessly. My departure is but a brief respite in the grand tapestry of time. Trust in our paths crossing again. When they do, humankind shall witness the realization of my promise." - The Revelation

The Maurya system stands as a significant landmark in humanity's history. It is here that the MUDs last heard from God. After his departure, Maurya was converted into a sanctified nexus for both the MUD and the myriad of devotees spanning the galaxy.

This reverence beckoned numerous sects to establish their epicenters within the Verzan system. The most known among them is the Order of Light. An ancient congregation of Photoli worshippers, their roots preceding even the tumultuous era of the Convergence War. Their enigmatic abode, a moon devoid of resources purchased from the MUD faction, houses their principal temple. Whispers abound of esoteric ceremonies harnessing Photoli energies. However, the truth remains shrouded in mystery, wherein access is strictly restricted to the orders initiated.

Despite Verzan's unforgiving landscapes and harsh living conditions, the tenacity and fervor of the pilgrims, alongside enterprising settlers, have birthed sprawling metropolises on even the harshest of planets. Their remarkable adaptability is fueled by a stream of resources — offerings from devout pilgrims, curious tourists, and generous benefactors hailing from the breadth of Galia.

However, recent murmurs hint at discord brewing between the religious factions and the broader Verzanian populace. Concerned, the MUD leadership has dispatched emissaries to restore harmony. Observers from across Galia now keep a vigilant eye on Verzan, awaiting the system's unfolding story.

MUD-5 / AMORA - IV [-10,-37]

In the vast expanse of your travels, numerous allies and adversaries will cross your path. To allies, offer your boundless aid and benevolence. For foes, maintain your guard, but if they pursue harm towards you or your kin, let them face the consequences of their temerity." - The Revelation

The very name 'Amora' evokes a reputation that resonates across the galaxy. It is the badge of honor that upholds the MUD faction's reputation as the unparalleled masters of weapon crafting within the vast reaches of the Galia expanse.

Characterized by its wealth of resources and rugged planets virtually barren of life, Amora emerged as the heart of humanity's burgeoning martial industries and forces. Under the watchful eye of the Pearce Council, this sector became the training ground for the MUD armies predating even the period of the Convergence War. And while the Council of Peace has since come into existence, humankind's leadership still exhibits a predilection for the seasoned warriors molded in the Amora’s legendary halls, despite newer, more dispersed institutions like the Iris Academy gaining prominence.

Yet, beneath the surface of its military prowess, whispers circulate of deeper mysteries concealed within the Amora. Could the sprawling fortresses and rigorous training camps merely be a facade, masking the secrets of an ancient civilization? Or perhaps they stand sentinel against something more ominous? The answers, if any, are safeguarded within the enigmatic chambers of the MUD high council.

MRZ-1 / REDAM - VII [-15,-33]

Redam - VII stands as a testament to the MUD Faction's expansive efforts towards Iris. Although it has since gained its independence, Redam has managed to nurture and maintain a harmonious relationship with its MUD originators – a distinction not shared by its sister sectors.

Radam’s diplomatic prowess positions it uniquely, making it arguably the most stable amongst the MUD ex-colonies. Its strategic location acts as a bustling commerce nexus, bridging trade between the MUD Safe Zone and various systems within the Medium Zone. Governance in Redam is shared amongst five distinguished humans, each hailing from a distinct planet within the sector.

Yet, in the volatile political landscape of the area outside the Council of Peace jurisdiction, stability is ever-elusive. As of late, both the MUD leadership and various MRZ entities have cast covetous eyes on Redam, seeking to extend their influence. The sector's governance, however, remains vigilant, steadfastly guarding its autonomy.

MRZ-2 / MYCENAS - V [12,-31]

During the tumultuous Convergence War era, Mycenas-V stood as a beacon of prosperity within the MUD territory, primarily due to its burgeoning community of scientists and a plethora of research institutions funded by the central MUD authority. However, as the war led to the MUD faction's galactic empire collapse, Mycenas-V was left isolated, devoid of its earlier support and the consistent inflow of resources.

This sudden vacuum threw the sector into chaos: Pirate onslaughts, widespread famines, relentless raids by alien slavers, and numerous other calamities ensued for close to eight decades. It was only with the emergence of a formidable leader, Virel the Serene, that a semblance of order began to return.

Uniting inhabitants across the planets within the sector, Virel tapped into Mycenas-V's rich academic heritage. The result was an imposing defensive barrier enveloping a significant portion of the Mycenas territory, isolating it from the greater galaxy. The sole exception being a strategically positioned starbase, which serves as a hub for select external interactions.

The people of Mycenas still remember the ordeal that the rest of their brethren made them go through, and MUD fleets that venture through the system will be met with outright hostility from the citizens of the sector.

MRZ-3 / ABYD - IX [-22,-25]

The last expansion of the MUD empire's expansion toward Iris on the medium zone, Abyd - IX remains a testament to hurried colonization. Its lack of comprehensive infrastructure and underdevelopment became painfully evident in the war's aftermath.

Severed from the support of the MUD regime, the sector was swiftly consumed by an ongoing civil strife. Various factions from both the Medium Zone and the MUD safe zone have perpetuated this conflict, each backing different planetary powers in a bid to secure Abyd's resources.

The Council of Peace has repeatedly attempted to broker peace within the sector, but their efforts are continually hampered by the volatile political landscape, further complicated by tensions involving the Jorvik and the ECOS factions.

Amidst this geopolitical quagmire, the true cost is borne by the civilians of Abyd, with countless lives being extinguished amidst the relentless turmoil.

MRZ-4 / PERGAMOS - VIII [-8,-24]

Located at the heart of the MUD Medium Zone, Pergamos stands as a behemoth of economic prowess. Its strength derived both from its abundant natural resources and its intricate connections within the Galia Expanse's shadowy recesses.

Pergamos has long been recognized for its accommodating stance towards groups like the Jorvik and various other fringe entities. Simply put, Pergamos trades in the universal currency of ATLAS and remains indifferent to its origins. Such a laissez-faire approach, however, has resulted in a stark socioeconomic disparity, with a mere 10% of the population controlling the biggest share of the sector's wealth.

Yet, this very alignment recently brought Pergamos under fire. The Council of Peace, in its strategic maneuver to curtail the influence of the Jorvik and ECOS, set its crosshairs on Pergamos, leading to significant losses at the hands of the Cradle forces.

This offensive sent shockwaves throughout the broader MUD sphere. Ex-colonies, including Mycenas and Xianyang, vocalized their intentions to step in if the Council persisted in its aggressive campaign. Thanks to rigorous diplomatic negotiations spearheaded by Redam and the MUD Faction, hostilities have currently ceased. Now, amidst the rubble and remnants of conflict, Pergamos deliberates on its future trajectory.

MRZ-5 / XIANYANG - VI [2,-23]

As the most powerful ex-colony in terms of military might, Xianyang-VI deftly navigated the turbulence following the disruption of MUD's supply conduits after the Convergence War. Their survival can be attributed to a pivotal alliance with the Gate Garrison, a formidable bounty-hunter collective from the High-Risk Zone. In return for a strategic foothold within the region, the Garrison lent its protective mantle to Xianyang, deterring potential aggressors eyeing the newly-independent territories of the medium zone.

Embracing a robust military ethos, Xianyang initiated the creation of their own mercenary legion: the acclaimed Xianyang Enforcers. This group operates across every skirmish line within the Galia Expanse. A rite of passage for Xianyang's populace, every individual, upon reaching maturity, is mandated to dedicate a year to the Enforcers.

In recent developments, Xianyang has been intensifying its military prowess and influence, casting a growing shadow across the medium-risk zone. Their assertive stance, especially post the Council of Peace's assault on Pergamos, caught the galaxy by surprise, as they threatened to openly defy the Council resolution. The unfolding political drama is being keenly observed across sectors, but Xianyang stands resilient, anchored in its strength.

MRZ-6 / ILIDAE [11,-16]

Situated deep within the Medium Zone, the Ilidae system is immediately identifiable by its distinct amber luminescence.

This peculiar hue, emitted from the system's star, appears to be harnessed by monoliths strategically positioned on each of the sector's planets. Remarkably, these worlds are home to various branches of a semi-sentient species known as the Termiks. These beings are seemingly drawn to the monoliths, partaking in consistent weekly rituals.

What's striking is the uniform behavior exhibited across the different branches. They all tirelessly search their respective planets for minerals and ores, using them to construct monoliths that are eerily identical in design. Intriguingly, there's no indication that they're cognizant of the parallel activities unfolding on neighboring planets.

While Ilidae’s enigmas intrigue many explorers, the allure of its plentiful natural resources often overshadows the mysteries. Unfortunately, some outsiders exploit the Termiks, capturing them for sale as rare pets or coveted hunting prizes. Yet, these hunters often face a grim fate. Many who venture into the untamed expanses of Ilidae’s worlds vanish without a trace, enveloped by the sector's inscrutable depths.

MRZ-7 / IZAR - 248 [21,-26]

Izar-248 bears the reputation of a perilous sector, and is recognized as such by the Council of Peace.

Established deep in the medium zone, a mysterious force has shattered all of the sector's moons, resulting in a high-velocity debris ring that has claimed countless seasoned spacefarers.

Protected by this tumultuous belt and clouds of dust, the planets have fostered a unique ecosystem. Here, deformed creatures roam the planetary surfaces during the brief daylight hours, only to retreat into the planet's underground when darkness prevails.

Fortunately for interstellar travelers, a solitary safe route exists that allows navigation across the system without encountering the treacherous environmental hazards. However, this passage is not without its own dangers; it's a favored hunting ground for pirates and raiders who lie in wait, ready to prey upon wary vessels seeking safe passage.

Endless theories abound regarding the enigmatic nature of Izar-248. The prevailing belief suggests that an ancient, technologically advanced civilization met its doom here while experimenting with groundbreaking gravitational technologies.

Uncovering the truth may remain an elusive goal, especially if it demands delving deep into the mysteries of Izar's planets.

MRZ-8 / OPHEK OASIS [-30,-16]

Glimmering at the edge of the known Galia Expanse, the Ophek Oasis emerges as the ultimate interstellar Sin Sector, where hedonism meets high stakes, and every sunset promises a tale of indulgence in a series of thematic planets.

Guarded both by its strategic remoteness and the watchful gaze of Ophek Revel, the self-styled "Maestro of Mirage," this sector remains untouched by the iron grip of major galactic powers. Ophek, once a daring merchant prince of the Galia Expanse, carved his niche during the tumultuous Convergence War, not only as a savvy freighter but also as the most sought-after information broker. The wealth amassed fueled his audacious vision: to sculpt an unparalleled pleasure dome that transcended all known realms of luxury.

He is more than just a lover of the fine arts of life; Ophek is a sharp-minded steward and a diplomat par excellence. With silver-tongued persuasion, he brokered deals across the galaxies, laying the golden bricks for his citadel of delight and decadence.

For those weary souls yearning for respite from the rigid regime of Faction life or thrill-seekers chasing the next big rush, the shimmering gates of Ophek Oasis await. Here, luck is the only currency, and fortune? She's known to wear the most mischievous of grins.

MRZ-9 / BLUVAEL [-14,-16]

Nestled in the expanse of space lies the Indigo Verge, a sector bathed in an enigmatic aura. To distant onlookers, every planet here appears as though it's enveloped in a tranquil, indigo ocean, seemingly stretching on forever.

Oddly, scans from afar validate these visuals, presenting each planet as a vast, uninterrupted sea. Yet, venture closer, breach the atmosphere, and the reality unfurls: each is a thriving world teeming with life and landscapes.

The origins of this curious optical illusion remain shrouded in mystery. While no advanced civilization claims dominion over the Verge, save for a smattering of pioneering mining colonies, theories abound. The most prevalent among them suggests the sector is cradled by unique cosmic currents, draping this illusory veil across it. But the true reason, for now, lies hidden.

MRZ-10 / WEEPING NEBULA [23,-12]

The Weeping Nebula owes its evocative name to the singular molecular cloud cradling its expanse.

Unlike its cosmic counterparts, this nebula's molecular cloud exhibits a unique equilibrium. Governed by a rhythmic gravitational dance, it heats, expands, cools, then contracts. This delicate balance precipitates a ceaseless, ethereal rain that blankets the system's planets.

Though this rain is extremely toxic to most known life forms, it serves as a crucible for the birth of intricate crystals. On occasion, the skies shimmer as these crystals cascade down, bestowing the system with a wealth of these colorful minerals.

However, the nebula's idiosyncratic cloud dynamics make navigation a perilous endeavor. Only the most seasoned of spacefarers dare to traverse its tumultuous weather patterns. Those with the mettle to brave and survive its challenges are rewarded with the sector's unique sights.

MRZ-11 / OLD GROVE [31,-19]

Old Grove stands as a stark testament to MUD's cautionary tales against the ECOS. Once the sanctuary to which ECOS retreated after parting with mainstream humanity, this sector was envisioned as a utopian natural paradise.

To achieve this dream, the ECOS took drastic measures: they eradicated the sector's original inhabitants, an industrious society that had long treated nature as a mere resource. With the population gone, ECOS initiated a vast terraforming project, hoping to reset the natural balance and sculpt their envisioned Eden.

But their ambition bore unintended consequences.

Whether due to nascent flaws in ECOS's then-new terraforming technology or unexpected reactions with the residual industrial contaminants left behind by the prior civilization, the outcome was a verdant nightmare.

The sector's plant life spiraled out of control, spawning sprawling forests of venomous vegetation. Its fauna mutated into grotesque parodies of nature, growing immense and savage, seemingly regressing to primordial ruthlessness.

Now, Old Grove stands abandoned. As ECOS retreated to safer domains like High Garden and deeper enclaves within the medium and high-risk zones, the relentless march of the mutated wilderness threatens to consume all traces of human intervention. Only a handful of fortified outposts endure, but it's only a matter of time before nature exacts its final reclaim.

MRZ-12 / AKALMA EXILE [-16,0]

The Akalma Expanse is a somber shadow of its former glory, a stark reminder of the decay of the once-proud House of Sogmians that was banished there following their failed coup during the Vega Fall upheaval.

For cycles, the House of Akalma lingered in isolation, their sector silent save for internal murmurs. However, following the mysterious demise of Paizul, a renowned Sogmian leader, whispers of Akalma's involvement spread like wildfire. In a fit of retribution, Bekalu marshaled the Sogmian armada, with their titan ship, “The Last Stand" at its vanguard, to exact vengeance on the entire sector.

In the aftermath of this devastating onslaught, as the fires dimmed and dust settled, a gut-wrenching realization dawned on the Sogmians: they had mirrored the very sin they despised in House Akalma, succumbing to the tempest of their own unchecked emotions. While Bekalu's last-minute mercy allowed a handful of Akalma fleets to retreat into the high-risk zones, the once-mighty House of Akalma faded into obscurity.

A self-imposed Sogmian edict now forbids their kind from ever setting foot in the Akalma Expanse again. This power vacuum quickly caught MUD's attention, leading to their subsequent influence over the territory.

Presently, the Akalma Expanse stands as a haunted relic of its past, littered with ruins and ancient burial grounds. While rare gems dot its landscape, even the most intrepid of miners tread cautiously. Whispers tell of a curse, and on nights when cosmic currents surge, mournful cries of departed Sogmians echo through the vastness, cursing those defiling their place of rest, a chilling testament to the sector's tragic past.

ONI Region


A conglomerate formed by the Mierese, Sogmian, Punaab, and Photoli species, the ONI Consortium emerged as the “winner” of the Convergence War after the Sogmians, under the leadership of Bekalu, managed to create the first Titan Ship and forced the other factions into a peace agreement that instituted the current galactic order under the Council of Peace banner.

Nevertheless, the victory was no consolation as the ONI Consortium economy was pretty much razed while sustaining their titan ship, causing years of hardship where the different species of the Consortium had to cooperate in order to rebuild their economy and commonwealth, an endeavor that was challenging due to the divergent backgrounds and cultural differences between the many species under the ONI leadership.

Yet, the four groups, united by the bonds created during the Convergence War, quickly rebuilt their economic foundations and even led the efforts to develop the chain of warp gates that connect Galia called the Starpath.In recent years, however, the ONI Consortium seems to have forgotten the dreads of the Convergence War. It has been adding continued pressure on the Council of Peace to have a more aggressive posture against the factions that belong to the medium zone.

Vaor Scarka, the current secretary of the Council of Peace and leader of the ONI Consortium, has been a vocal voice against what he calls rogue factions, which have threatened the borders of the Council of Peace territory for a while now. In Vaor’s eyes, subjugation is the only solution to this menace.

This posture has led to cracks in the relationship both inside the Council of Peace and in the ONI Consortium, and only time will tell the consequences of Vaor's ambition to pacify the medium zone through force. The galaxy is divided, and while many support his positioning, some advocate that it’s time to force his deposition if peace is to be maintained.

ONI CSS / NEUNO [-40,-30]

The enigmatic heart of the Mierese lineage, the Neuno system, stands as an anomaly within the vast reaches of the Galia Expanse. Drawn from their native tongue, 'Neuno' translates to 'living home,' an apt moniker for the sentient planet that has earned such renown throughout Galia that the entire system now bears its name.

Cloaked in ancient tales, this sentient celestial body once served a dual role for the Mierese: a nurturing guardian and an inescapable warden. Their seclusion was broken only when altruistic extraterrestrials arrived, guiding the Mierese into the cosmic age as a stellar civilization. A mere few centuries hence, the Mierese have expanded their reach across the galaxies and risen to helm the esteemed ONI Consortium.

Yet, their bond with Neuno remains unbroken. The planet, rich in biomass and food, continues its age-old tradition of safeguarding and challenging its native inhabitants. The Mierese, in turn, draw resilience from the sector's ever-shifting terrains — terrains that morph rapidly, reflecting the fluctuating temperaments of their sentient homeland.

ONI-2 / COMMUNION [-42,-35]

Amidst the vast expanse of the cosmos, Communion stands as a testament to the ebb and flow of interstellar conflict. Once marred by relentless battles as the ONI races vied for dominance, the sector has seen its borders redrawn countless times, bearing the scars of Sogmian tenacity, Mierese ambition, and Punaab cleverness. But the aftermath of the Convergence War transformed Communion from a war-torn prize to a beacon of unity.

Today, Communion isn't just a place, it's an idea, a sanctuary for those weary of age-old rivalries and binding traditions. Many Punaabs and Sogmians, seeking to escape the rigid shackles of their cultural dogmas, have found solace in this melting pot, forging a life where their individualities are celebrated.

Yet, for all its profound history and sociocultural significance, Communion is not without its raw, untamed side. The sector is a kaleidoscope of biodiversity, teeming with a myriad of exotic wildlife. This rich ecosystem has become a rite of passage for fledgling hunters eager to hone their skills. The emergence of the Nimrod Trackers, a DAC formed to mentor and guide these novices, highlights the region's growing reputation as a hub for hunting enthusiasts.

At the helm of Communion's governance is the prudent leadership of the High Punaabs. Their vision, fueled by vast investments of ATLAS, aims to elevate the system into an intergalactic marvel - a must-visit destination for denizens across the Galaxy, promising not just sights to behold but experiences to be cherished.

ONI-3 / EVERNAT [-30,30]

Deep within the vastness of the ONI space lies Evernat, a sector that whispers tales of ancient origins. Believed by many scholars to predate even some regions within the High-Risk Zone, Evernat is a treasure trove of historical wonders.

The crown jewel of Evernat is Akenat, the cradle world of the Punaabs. Here, nature and evolution have danced in a spectacular symphony, leading to the emergence of a landscape unlike any other. Towering plateaus are supported by enormous clamshells, giving the terrain an otherworldly aesthetic. Hidden below are the labyrinthine spore caves, a stark contrast to the openness above, yet equally vital to Akenat's balanced ecosystem. Enveloping all this is the mesmerizing sea of mist, ever-present, ever-shifting, and acting as a protective shroud over the world.

Within this mist lurks a living myth, a deity believed to be as ancient as Akenat itself. In the Punaabs' darkest hours, this immortal entity rises, guiding and shielding the people of Akenat.

Yet, the serene beauty of Evernat conceals deep-seated divisions. The rift between the High and Profound Punaabs remains palpable, with each sect retreating to their own enclaves. However, in the very heart of Akenat, a beacon of unity emerges. A sprawling metropolis, born from the fusion of the High Punaabs' innovative spirit and the tenacious grit of the Profound Punaabs, represents hope for a newer, united generation.

Central to this city's bustling activity is the magnificent headquarters of Ogrika Harbors. Renowned galaxy-wide as the zenith of ship-crafting opulence, Ogrika not only exemplifies the pinnacle of Punaab engineering but also embodies the dreams of two clans uniting under a single vision. With Ogrika's guiding hand, the city aims to usher in a renaissance of cooperation and prosperity for all of Akenat.

ONI-4 / SEGAL [-38,25]

The chronicles of the Segal sector are etched with the valor and heartaches of the Sogmian warriors. For centuries, the Sogmian race found themselves mired in relentless internal conflicts, a consequence of their innate inability to curb their intense impulses. Such overwhelming passions prevented them from building a unified society.

Salvation emerged with Segal's formulation of the Sogmian Vows – a moral compass, complemented by the establishment of the Noble Houses system. This reorganization brought the Sogmians into harmonious factions, directing their fervent energies and raw emotions towards productive societal endeavors. The structure birthed seven illustrious houses, each radiating its distinct ethos, yet all bound by the overarching principles of the Sogmian Vows. Central to this system was the commitment to meritocracy; ensuring that only the finest representatives of each house would ascend to leadership, guaranteeing the Sogmian leadership would always be in the hands of their most exemplary.

However, even the most meticulously crafted system has its vulnerabilities. The haunting corruption of the Akalma house during the Vega Fall incident stands as a somber testament, as does the near extinction the Sogmians faced during the Convergence War.

Yet, from the shadows of their turbulent past, the Segal sector emerges today as a beacon of peace. With the passage of time, the Sogmians are recalibrating their perspectives, striving to find equilibrium between their age-old beliefs and the evolving political landscape of the Galia Expanse.

ONI-5 / NIGHT WINDOW [-47,30]

Located on the outermost rim of the recognized ONI territories, the Night Window sector presents an intriguing anomaly for astrophysicists and space explorers alike. Historical data hints that this sector may have once been the landing zone for the Photoli fleet as they navigated away from the elusive Om sector. Still, tangible evidence of their passage is minimal, with vast reserves of planetary resources seemingly untouched.

The most striking feature of Night Window is its primary star, which, against all astrophysical understanding, has gone dark well before its expected life cycle. This abrupt cessation of luminosity has plunged its surrounding planets into an unending night.

Dedicated research teams from the respected Iris Academy and the Council of Peace have been stationed in the sector, employing advanced instrumentation to decipher the cause behind this star's premature dimming. In the shadow of this darkened sun, an ecosystem has developed in adaptation to the unusual conditions. Life forms on these planets have undergone unique evolutionary paths to exist in constant darkness.

In the absence of concrete findings, many theories have emerged. Some argue that perhaps some kind of natural astronomical event, previously undocumented, led to the star's condition. Others postulate potential interference from advanced technologies. As the rigorous research ensues, Night Window remains a compelling puzzle in the vastness of the ONI territories.


The Denebula Utopia, nestled in a distant arm of the Galaxy, owes its renowned status predominantly to its crown jewel: the planet Denebula. Its unparalleled opulence and idyllic landscapes have rendered it the galaxy's zenith of desirability, both as a residence and a business hub. Its governance lies in the hands of the enigmatic merchant princes, an elite consortium known as much for their vast wealth as for the aura of secrecy surrounding Denebula.

Entry into this celestial paradise is a privilege. You either labor on its pristine terrains, possess an invitation from a merchant prince or hold enough ATLAS—hefty amounts of it. Yet even these prerequisites only gain you passage. To truly immerse oneself in Denebula's splendors, astronomical ATLAS reserves are essential, especially if you are aiming to ascend in the caste system. The planet society is meticulously stratified, with caste-determined access zones and an intricate web of etiquette rules that outsiders can scarcely fathom.

Uniform beauty reigns supreme in Denebula. Every worker undergoes surgical enhancements, their appearances tailored to epitomize allure. Yet, when their shifts conclude, they must retreat to neighboring planets designed exclusively to house Denebula's labor force.

Aesthetics in Denebula is non-negotiable. The planet's elite guard, armed with the pinnacle of technological warfare, ensures that nothing mars its beauty. Yet beneath the planet's serene veneer, a subtle game of power unfolds. Merchant princes, in moments of ennui, engage in clandestine power plays, maneuvering pawns from their own ranks to consolidate influence. However, an unspoken code dictates that these shadowy games remain concealed, never sullying Denebula's immaculate reputation.

The sector surrounding Denebula thrums with activity. Sprawling colonies and bustling markets feed off Denebula's prosperity. Here, adventurers and opportunists seek fortunes, drawn like moths to the luminous promise of Denebula, forever chasing a slice of its golden allure.


The Barrot Gateway, located within the heart of the ONI medium zone, is deceptively ordinary upon first glance—boasting a respectable wealth of minerals but unremarkable biodiversity. Yet, at its heart lies an enigmatic wormhole, a cosmic riddle that has made the sector an intergalactic hub for tourism and speculation.

Legend has it that in the era preceding the Convergence War, an intrepid explorer named Barrot dared the enigma of the wormhole. He returned within moments, but was obviously changed by the passage of time. His vessel was inexplicably different, and his possession of otherworldly trinkets added layers to the mystery. Barrot spun a tale of a realm beyond comprehension—where the laws of gravity faltered and time held no dominion. Within this surreal world, Barrot stumbled upon a grand mansion. Inside, he was challenged to games of wit and strategy by an ethereal being. Triumphing over the trials, he was given the enigmatic trinkets before being whisked back to Galia.

The veracity of Barrot’s account remains the topic of endless debates, but its legacy is undeniable. The sector has evolved into a thriving tourist destination. Opulent gaming estates, inspired by Barrot's narrative, have mushroomed, where visitors wager ATLAS for a chance to earn elusive rewards, echoing the legendary games of Barrot's account.

Yet, the wormhole itself remains an elusive sentinel. Attempts to approach it are exercises in futility. Ships seemingly drift in perpetuity, never bridging the distance—a cosmic illusion that suggests spatial distortions around the phenomenon.

Scholars, adventurers, and dreamers from every corner of Galia are drawn to the enigma of Barrot's Gateway, speculating on the wonders and dangers it might conceal. However, some secrets, as many argue, might be best left untouched.

MRZ-18 / CORAL NEBULA [-40,3]

The Coral Nebula stands out in the galactic tapestry for its enigmatic flora, dominated by the mesmerizing prismatic corals. These luminous, multi-hued corals are not just confined to a single planet but proliferate throughout the sector, adorning some worlds with a stunning coverage of up to 65% of their vegetative landscape.

What makes the prismatic corals truly fascinating is their mystique. The scientific community is still grappling with understanding their nourishment processes and the underlying reasons for their vivid chromatic range. Intriguingly, each color spectrum of the coral is known to possess distinct properties: while some are treasured for their medicinal benefits, others hide potent toxins, rendering them invisible poisons.

One undeniable observation is the symbiotic relationship between the corals and sentient beings. These corals appear to flourish with particular vigor in proximity to intelligent species' settlements. While many secrets of this vibrant vegetation remain locked away, eager harvesters are capitalizing on the corals, harnessing their potential for an ever-expanding industry within the Coral Nebula sector.

MRZ-19 / FRENIR [-35,12]

Once notorious as the heart of dictatorship and the epicenter of the slave trade in the outer medium-risk zone, Frenir was first on the list when the Council of Peace sought to restore harmony to the borders of its territory. Even the most hardened factions of the underworld viewed Frenir as a blight, noting its practices were grotesquely outdated for the modern galactic era. The Council’s intervention was swift and decisive, practically erasing the entrenched oppressive systems and establishing an interim governance to oversee the shift toward democracy.

It's well-known that the Council of Peace aspires to implement Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) throughout the galaxy. The galaxy watches intently, assessing the experimental governance taking shape in Frenir as a potential model for broader galactic reform. However, history has taught that power vacuums are fleeting. Several of the influential slave masters and tyrants managed to evade the Council's grasp, and whispers abound of their imminent return from some other corner of the Galia Expanse.

In the interim, reconstruction efforts dominate the landscape. Numerous civilian organizations, including the altruistic Order of Patrah and emissaries from House Outro, are pouring resources into aiding Frenir's long-oppressed inhabitants, driven by a shared vision of a revitalized and harmonious sector.

MRZ-20 / PERPETUAL BELT [-25,15]

In the heart of the Perpetual Belt Sector, an awe-inspiring choreography unfolds. Planets, asteroids, moons, and debris fields glide seamlessly in a mesmerizing display of gravitational harmony, making it appear as though the cosmos itself composed their dance.

With such swift orbital rhythms, the sector boasts rapid seasonal transitions, offering travelers a breathtaking canvas of ever-changing landscapes. Within mere days, one might witness the crisp blossoms of spring evolve into the sultry hues of summer, only to be eclipsed by autumn's golden embrace and winter's silent slumber.

The native ecosystems, from the sprawling flora to the agile fauna, have evolved in tandem with these rapid cycles. Their unique life rhythms have become an intricate ballet of their own, synchronized to the celestial dance overhead. This rhythmic balance has not gone unnoticed by the cosmos at large. A number of free ONI colonies, recognizing the sector's potential, have established numerous flourishing settlements, harmonizing their technological advancements with the sector's natural cadence. The celestial ballet, in all its glory, serves as a testament to the beauty of balance and coexistence.

MRZ-24 / VEGA FALL [-45,15]

Vega Fall is a grim chapter in the annals of Sogmian history, a tale so heart-rending that to this day, uttering the names "Vega" or "House Akalma" brings visible discomfort to any Sogmian.

In his prime, Vega was hailed as the most luminous gem of the Sogmian species. His meteoric rise through House Akalma’s ranks, on the back of a series of dazzling military victories, made him an icon. So great was his allure that almost half of the upcoming Sogmian generation aspired to join House Akalma, captivated by Vega's charisma, strategic genius, and unmatched prowess. His acclaim peaked when he was unanimously chosen as the Supreme Leader of the Sogmians by peers from all noble houses.

However, beneath the glittering facade of unity and progress, ominous clouds of discord were gathering over House Akalma. Vega's first act as the Supreme Leader was to relocate the Sogmian capital to what would later be tragically known as the Vega Fall Sector. He began amassing unprecedented power under his house's banner, effectively creating a single, dominant ruling entity. Most alarmingly, Vega introduced a heretical interpretation of the sacred Sogmian Vows, proclaiming that these binding principles applied exclusively to the Sogmians. This ideology brazenly asserted that other species, deemed "uncivilized" compared to the Sogmians, were unworthy of the vows' protection or respect.

This divisive dogma tore the Sogmian society asunder. Even staunch members of other noble houses, ensnared by Vega's magnetic pull, abandoned their familial ties to pledge allegiance to him and House Akalma. The tipping point arrived when an intrepid journalist from House Outro infiltrated Vega's citadel, unveiling a harrowing exposé, titled "Vega Fall." This documentary laid bare the unimaginable horrors happening behind the fortified walls: scenes of enslavement, atrocities, and even cannibalistic tendencies of Sogmians preying on other species.

The revelations from "Vega Fall" united the fragmented houses against Vega and his followers, plunging the Sogmians into a devastating civil war. The conflict culminated in Vega's last stand in his citadel, where he met his grisly end at the hands of the coalition forces.

Those loyalists of House Akalma who survived the carnage were banished, forever branded as pariahs within Sogmian society, which would lead to another great tragedy a hundred years later.

MRZ-25 / EVERSTORM [-18,23]

Everstorm stands as a testament to the profound power of Galia’s galactic ecosystem. The sector seems to be drenched in the cosmic currents emanating from Iris, inciting its local star into a tumultuous dance of relentless solar flares and coronal mass ejections. This in turn begets robust magnetospheres around the sector's planets, cloaking them in a relentless wrath of electrifying storms.

Yet, amid this tempestuous backdrop lies a wealth of opportunity. The atmospheric upheaval gives rise to environments abundant in precious gas. Sensing the potential concealed within this chaos, a cadre of pioneering engineers from the medium zone, aligned with Fimbul, embarked on a journey to Everstorm. Their ingenious creation, the Nimbus Spheres, not only offers bastions against the storm's fury but ingeniously harnesses its energy, transforming adversity into a beacon of hope and sustainability.

To the bold and visionary, Everstorm presents an untapped canvas. The Fimbul engineers' ambition is to carve out a democratic oasis within these protective spheres, a sanctuary untouched by external forces and influences.

The unfolding chapters of Everstorm's saga are yet to be written. The only certainty is that the legacy of distant Iris will forever shape its destiny.


The Free Harbors stand as the informal heart of the medium zone, embodying the intricate dance of light and shadow that defines both its inhabitants and the region's intricate political ballet.

Established during the tumultuous days of the Convergence War, the Harbors were envisioned as a sanctuary for those who sought solace from the relentless clutches of factional strife. Fleeing from the scars of a galaxy torn asunder, key members from MUD, ONI, and Ustur pooled their resources, yearning for an existence free from war's hunger, oppression, and despair.

In a swift ascent, the Harbors emerged as the galactic fulcrum of neutrality, wielding unparalleled military might, wealth, and influence.

Yet, ideals often erode in the face of reality. As the Harbors grew in prominence, its shining vision began to tarnish. Factions of diverse motivations, histories, and agendas swarmed under its banner, infusing the sector with a heady mix of ambitions. The very essence of the Free Harbors – its unity – now hangs by a tenuous thread, as disparate groups, including the ambitious Jorvik and other rogue entities, play their power games in the shadows.

The sector has transformed into a volatile cauldron, simmering as if it were on the brink of cataclysmic eruption. Political savants across Galia whisper with trepidation: the genesis of the next great galactic upheaval might very well be the Free Harbors.

MRZ-29 / KAMEC [-22,32]

The Kamec Sector, presided over by the Democratic Order of Kamec, is a bastion of two unwavering principles: Democracy and Order. It's a realm where cutting-edge technology fuses seamlessly with governance. Here, each citizen is paired with a personal A.I., specifically tuned to echo their beliefs, opinions, and preferences. These A.I.s actively partake in the governmental process, casting votes on all official submissions as a genuine reflection of their human counterpart. With the prowess of advanced quantum computing, Kamec has sculpted a society where every voice – through their A.I. – is considered in public decisions, irrespective of the planet they inhabit within the sector.

However, the integrity of this unique system is often the subject of debate and skepticism. Kamec has consistently rebuffed any attempts by external factions, including the Council of Peace, to inspect the underlying codes that power their democracy. Their defense? An oddly precise 85.7623% of their populace allegedly opposes such external scrutiny. This leaves the rest of the Galia Expanse in perpetual wonder about the authenticity of Kamec's claims.

Economically, the sector is a treasure trove, teeming with valuable crystals and gems. A majority consensus has made it possible for outsiders to mine these resources, granted they strike a deal with the Kamec government and adhere to the mandated fees. For those visiting or wishing to trade, Kamec extends a welcoming hand, so long as there's no threat to their cherished tenets of democracy and order.

MRZ-30 / FROSTSUN [-19,40]

Frostsun is a sector locked in an eternal wintry embrace, its once-fiery star now a fading white dwarf nearing the twilight of its lifespan. As this celestial body undergoes its slow, billion-year demise, intriguing crystal-like formations have begun to envelop it. This has given Frostsun's star the mesmerizing appearance of a golden-white orb cocooned within a shimmering crystal.

This stellar transformation has cast a chilly pall over the sector's planets. Once-thriving ecosystems have been reduced to frozen landscapes and desolate wastelands. Yet, amidst this icy desolation, the indomitable spirit of the Profound Punaabs shines bright. A tenacious sub-group of Akenat pioneers, the Punaabs have carved out an expansive subterranean realm within Frostsun. Their thriving underground metropolises have become the heart of commerce, producing and exporting vast quantities of food and minerals to Akenat. In doing so, they've established Frostsun as the preeminent Punaab enclave outside their native Evernat.

The annals of Frostsun's history also recount a tale of valor from the days of the Convergence War. A brave cadre of explorers from Frostsun ventured into the perilous depths of the High-Risk Zone, becoming scouts for the ONI civilization. Yet, five decades have passed without a word from these intrepid souls. Unwavering in their belief, the Punaabs of Frostsun amass resources and hone their readiness, holding steadfast to the hope that they will one day reunite with their lost kin.

MRZ-31 / GLOWHAVEN [-8,35]

On the eastern borders of the ONI territory lies Glowhaven, a sector where the very land itself pulsates with life and luminance. Here, the predominant flora is not of organic material but a rich tapestry of mineral formations. These unique structures possess innate energy currents, bursting into radiant illumination upon interaction with the electromagnetic fields of living entities.

This singular characteristic has birthed an extraordinary ecosystem, painting Glowhaven's landscapes with ethereal light shows. As night descends upon the sector, the horizons come alive in a mesmerizing dance of shimmering hues, a testament to the nocturnal creatures going about their night hunts.

Glowhaven's radiant beauty has not gone unnoticed. From intrepid explorers to passionate hunters, many are drawn to its allure, each hoping to claim a piece of this luminous wonder for their own. Numerous ONI settlements dot the landscape, yet vast swathes of Glowhaven remain untamed. Mining expeditions, driven by both curiosity and greed, carve their paths amidst this alluring terrain.

But it's not just fortune seekers who are captivated. The sector has become a focal point for scientific intrigue. Scholars, particularly those affiliated with the esteemed Iris Academy, are a common sight, meticulously studying the incandescent wonders of Glowhaven. The root cause behind this sector's radiant flora remains one of Galia's enigmas. Yet, there's a palpable sense of anticipation among researchers. Many believe they stand on the cusp of unraveling yet another of Galia's age-old secrets.

MRZ-36 / ZENITH DOOR [0,16]

The Zenith Door stands as a pivotal nexus within the frontiers of ONI and Ustur territory, bridging the outer and inner territories of the medium-risk zone. This strategic vantage has naturally drawn the establishment of key galactic organizations, from the imposing Dawn Vanguard fleet of the Council of Peace to the illustrious Iris Academy, renowned as the galaxy's foremost academic and research bastion.

While many covet control of this invaluable juncture, the Zenith Door has maintained enviable neutrality. Much of this stability can be attributed to the astute leadership of Chior.eldr. With an unparalleled diplomatic finesse and leveraging the sector's immense prestige and wealth, Chior has skillfully brokered agreements with almost every significant Galia faction, ensuring the Zenith Door remains an oasis for diplomacy amidst the galaxy's power plays.

Yet, these harmonious times seem threatened. Chior has vocally opposed the war initiated by the Council of Peace. Behind the scenes, the Ustur seeks a peaceful resolution, but Vaor Scarka, the formidable secretary of the Council, envisions victory only in vanquishing their adversaries and expanding the Faction's dominion.

Amidst these political machinations, whispers arise: What truly drives the ruler of the Zenith Door?

The ongoing conflict's end remains uncertain, but one thing is clear: the Zenith Door's role will be instrumental in shaping the galaxy's fate.

Ustur Sector


Awakened without any recollection of their past, the sentient androids known as the Ustur have been exploring both an enigmatic galaxy and the secrets that live within them. In their journey, they have quickly organized themselves into a complex society, marked by the rule of the elders and an intricate path towards enlightenment, where each Ustur may ascend through the ranks of their civilization and uncover the secrets that their collective conscience holds.

This fascination with the outer and inner world has led the Ustur to disperse themselves through Galia in an adventure of learning and experiencing, ultimately leading them to establish many colonies in different sectors of the galaxy.

With the discovery of Iris, the Ustur elders sought the planet's infinite potential for themselves, thinking that it might help them in their quests to unfold the secrets of their origins and the universe.

The only thing left from that ambition was destruction and grief, and even though the Ustur could return to the physical world through their cores, they quickly learned that the rest of the galaxy and the beautiful things they created did not.

As a result, the Ustur became a lot more sensible to the hardships of the material world and had, as a whole, been trying to be a voice of peace and comprehension in galactical relationships. This instance has caused some Ustur to leave the Elders' order, like the renegades of Anfoil State, which sees emotions as detrimental to the Ustur. Yet most of their species remain firm in their resolve to create a galactic order that allows every sentient being to prosper and follow its path amidst the stars.

As the Council of Peace stirs towards a more aggressive approach in the medium zone under the leadership of the Mieresean Vaor Scarka, the Ustur faction and its elders have been a voice for peace and negotiations, especially through Chior.eldr, the leader of the Zenith Door system.


Eternity is the birthplace of the Ustur Civilization, and those who navigate its space often report an odd sensation of deliberate design. Unlike the unpredictable and random configurations seen elsewhere in Galia, Eternity seems almost too orderly, as if carefully planned by an architect on a grand scale.

Central to this enigma is the planet Ioki, where the Ustur first awakened. Its surface is a mix of a yellow desert surrounded by the ocean, mesmerizing forgotten temples, and ancient sites. Hieroglyph-like patterns cover its structures, yet their meanings remain largely indecipherable. Subterranean chambers criss cross beneath Ioki's crust, culminating at a central reservoir. This pool, according to some records, may be connected to the Usturs' advanced data storage technology and their unique resurrection mechanics.

Nevertheless, even though access to those ancient temples is open to the general public, much of its true meaning remains a mystery, even among the best researchers of Galia and the Ustur elders. Secrets like the origin of the Usturs and how Ioki came to be still remain hidden from the world, perhaps in plain sight, in the depths of Eternity.

UST-2 / VOSTALGIA [42,35]

The Vostalgia sector stands as a testament to the Ustur civilization's maiden voyage amongst the stars. This expansion marked a profound milestone after their awakening.

When the pioneering Usturs first touched down on the planet Damarah within Vostalgia, they were greeted by vast groves of Mantrah trees, their leaves dancing gracefully in the winds. These android beings, possessing only fragmented memories of their origins, found themselves surprisingly affected by the sight and sound. The rhythmic rustle of the expansive leaf canopy stirred within them an intense, deep-rooted nostalgia. The emotion was so profound that observers noted a liquid, akin to black tears, forming in their eyes, a phenomenon previously undocumented.

This poignant moment occurred before the Usturs had formulated their unique path to enlightenment, and the enigmatic legacies of Ioki were yet to be explored. However, the profound connection they felt to Vostalgia and its emblematic Mantrah trees was undeniable. This bond led to the adoption of the Mantrah tree as their faction's insignia and influenced the architectural aesthetics of their flagship.

Even now, as the Usturs continue to delve into the mysteries of their heritage, many return to the serene Mantrah groves of Vostalgia, seeking both inspiration and traces of their storied past.

UST-3 / SOLETUD [48,32]

Soletud is marked by the presence of an immense carcass of a commander-class vessel situated a few light minutes from its primary star. Analysis indicates that the ship originates from an unidentified civilization and has been drifting through the sector for an indeterminate amount of time. Detailed inspections by Usturs scientists have revealed the ship's complex internal structures and inscriptions, though its language and onboard systems remain largely indecipherable. Notably, the vessel shows no signs of external damage, combat, or any prior inhabitants on board.

The discovery and ongoing investigation of this vessel played a significant role in shaping the Usturs' archeological interests. It led to a pronounced inclination towards cosmic archaeology, culminating in the establishment of the Celestial Surveyors Syndicate, a leading research institution in this field, which now conducts its activities throughout all of Galia Expanse.

Economically and geographically, Soletud is abundant in natural resources. The presence of vast, fertile landscapes has facilitated the establishment of several Usturs colonies. Each of these settlements is decentralized, operating autonomously and benefiting from the sector's resource-rich environment. For individuals or entities interested in resource extraction or peaceful habitation, Soletud stands out as a prime location within the Ustur territory.

UST-4 / AZUM [38,25]

The Azum sector, nestled within the Ustur safe zone, stands as a beacon of advancement and harmony for the Ustur civilization.

It is here that Opal Industries found its roots, and where the sprawling Francor, one of Galia's most thriving economic powerhouses, came to life, a shining example of Ustur architectural prowess and their commitment to the Path of Enlightenment.

Following their awakening on Ioki in the Eternity Sector, the Ustur recognized the need for a home. Ioki, with its enigmatic temples and profound mysteries, was deemed too sacred and potentially perilous for the bustling hub of a thriving civilization, and the Usturs sought a place where the bulk of their species could thrive.

The quest for a suitable home led them to Azum. The sector's unique planetary belt offered ideal conditions for Ustur colonization. Its discovery marked a significant turning point in Ustur's history and was quickly transformed into a central hub for the android race.

The rapid colonization of these planets ensured a steady flow of essential resources, fueling the growth of the Ustur fleet and their expansion across the galaxy.

The jewel of this Ustur expansion is Francor, a marvel of Ustur engineering. This planet-wide city, aglow with billions of Arco crystals, is not just a testament to Ustur's technological advancements but also a major cultural and economic center, holding the prestigious headquarters of Opal Industries, known for its cutting-edge contributions to ship manufacturing.

Azum is also highly aligned with the teachings of the Ustur Elders, which is evident in every facet of its society. The sector's inhabitants uphold the principles of the Path of Enlightenment with unwavering dedication, creating a society that is both technologically advanced and culturally rich.

UST-5 / FOY FIELDS [30,28]

The planets of Foy Fields are uniquely imbued with natural electric fields that resonate harmoniously with Ustur physiology. The sensation is comparable to the profound relaxation a MUD feels when submerged in a thermal pool. Such therapeutic effects have rendered this sector a prime destination for overworked androids seeking rejuvenation amidst their tiresome daily endeavors.

Recognizing the potential to enhance worker well-being, VZUS—the leading manufacturer of the Ustur—relocated its headquarters from Eternity to this tranquil world. The result was a dramatic surge in ship production efficiency. Inspired by VZUS' success, other Ustur enterprises swiftly followed suit causing a trend that, combined with the sector's strategic location near the Medium Risk Zone Systems, turned Foy Fields into the primary economic nexus for the Ustur Faction.


The Anfoil States stand as a testament to ideological divergence, governed by a faction of Ustur known as the Anfoil Dissidents who deliberately severed their connection from the Ustur overarching collective consciousness.

Predating even the Convergence War, the Anfoil faction harbored a stark conviction: the pursuit of emotions and enlightenment were dangerous diversions, diluting the Ustur's primordial objective of relentless technological advancement.

Choosing isolation, they settled in what is now known as the Anfoil States, segmenting the sector's planets based on distinct technological specializations. Each planet was further delineated into subspecialties, fostering an environment of relentless focus and unparalleled efficiency.

Eschewing traditional Ustur values and systems, the Anfoil established their own political structure termed the "Meritocratic Technate". Under this regime, one's ascendancy through societal tiers and leadership is determined by skill and accomplishment rather than electoral processes.

Yet, the strict regimen of the Anfoil States isn't without its cracks. Reports emerge, albeit infrequently, of Usturs exhibiting erratic behavior and palpable stress, symptoms seemingly at odds with their ideological doctrine. While the state apparatus strives to suppress these narratives, murmurs persist.

While the broader Ustur civilization has hitherto respected Anfoil's autonomy, whispers from the corridors of the Elders Reach suggest growing discontent. They refer to the Anfoil as their "lost progeny," and speculation is rife that the day may soon come when the Elders decide to reclaim what was once theirs.


Nestled within the vastness of space, Hanging Gardens stands as the largest ECOS settlement outside Earth-Prime, serving as a bastion against unchecked industrialization and environmental exploitation within the galaxy.

Emerging from the ashes of Old Grove, Hanging Gardens became a sanctuary for the ECOS. While the primary fleet journeyed deeper into the High-Risk Zone, finding solace in Earth Prime, several satellite groves and support fleets remained behind in the medium zone, solidifying ECOS presence via Hanging Gardens.

True to the ECOS ethos, Hanging Gardens is a marvel of harmonious coexistence. The entire sector pulses with life, reflecting a deep-seated bond between its inhabitants and the natural world. Rituals, performed with reverence, are a daily occurrence; through these ceremonies, the ECOS profess to communicate with the sector's celestial entities, seeking guidance and blessings.

Furthermore, Hanging Garden's agricultural prowess has turned it into a linchpin for food distribution across the medium zone. It competes fiercely with CARY, each vying to expand its influence through strategic trade and commerce.

However, the shadows of conflict loom. With the Council of Peace's recent foray into the medium zone, tension in Hanging Gardens is palpable. The majestic ECOS titan ship patrols the sector, poised and ready to defend its territory. A confrontation between this titan and the Council's armada could ignite the flames of hostilities, potentially plunging the galaxy into another war.

MRZ-17 / PAVO PASSAGE [16,-5]

Pavo Passage stands as a testament to both the opulence and the decay that can define a sector in Galia. Its rich history dates back centuries to when the influential Pavo family consolidated the entire sector under its rule, crafting a lineage akin to royalty.

Strategically positioned at the frontier of the Ustur and MUD territories, the Passage swiftly burgeoned into a vibrant hub for galactic commerce, swelling the coffers of the Pavo dynasty while also bolstering their military prowess and political influence. Yet, ambition sometimes overshadows prudence. During the tumultuous times of the Convergence War, the Pavo royalty, envisioning a grander destiny, sought to assert themselves as a distinct galactic entity. This audacious move, however, drew the ire of both MUD and Ustur factions, who coveted the Passage as a strategic advantage.

The war’s aftermath saw the demise of the Pavo family's patriarch, and in the void left behind, the elites sculpted a façade of democracy. Now, Pavo Passage's glittering exterior masks a web of clandestine alliances and covert power plays. Amongst the many factions that lurk in its shadows, the Order of Season stands out—assassins who revere the enigmatic Iris aspect, Dusk.

But while shadows may deepen, there is an unspoken accord among Pavo's various factions: the allure of the ATLAS must never wane. Thus, they keep their power plays and conflicts discreet, ensuring that travelers, for the most part, remain oblivious to the undercurrents of intrigue that permeate the sector.

MRZ-21 / SUMMER SEA [25,14]

Upon their arrival in this sector, the Ustur grappled with capturing the essence of the searing heat emanating from the colossal blue giant star that dominated the expanse. One member, with poetic flair, likened the experience to being engulfed in a vast sea of flames. While the metaphor resonated, they chose a milder name: Summer Sea. Indeed, any visitor to the sector quickly realizes they're amidst the fiercest summer they've ever known.

The relentless solar flares and oppressive heat challenge the endurance of every life form in the sector. Yet, in this crucible of scorching temperatures, a handful of resilient species have evolved, scrapping for every precious drop of moisture the sector offers. The planet's unique vegetation plays a pivotal role, ingeniously converting the abundant gaseous deposits into water and other life-sustaining elements, ensuring Summer Sea isn’t reduced to a barren wasteland.

Most inhabitants have wisely sought refuge underground, where the sun's blistering wrath is somewhat muted. While the Ustur have adapted to these extreme conditions, interstellar travelers are cautioned. A visit to Summer Sea without proper preparations could result in severe dehydration and skin afflictions.


In the Verbis Cluster, a cosmic ballet unfolds as a pair of stars—one crimson, the other azure—dance in a perpetual orbit. Their radiant embrace eliminates darkness, gifting the sector's planets with unending daylight. While these stars are positioned at a distance, ensuring the planets aren't scalded, their presence has nurtured an environment rich in extraordinary life.

The ceaseless illumination has birthed an array of species adapted to thrive in eternal luminescence. Many harness the relentless light, converting it into sustenance. This unique way of life, marked by truncated lifespans and a complete absence of sleep, captivates biologists across Galia.

Of the myriad species calling the Verbis Cluster home, the Janar stands out. Teetering on the brink of sentience, these remarkable beings possess a natural aptitude for photopolymerization and photochemical Reactions. Their bodies become factories, producing compounds they later expel. These compounds serve as the foundation for the structures and tools they craft, a testament to their burgeoning intelligence.

For now, the Janar maintains a cautious distance from other settlements and species within the Verbis Cluster. It's perhaps a blessing in disguise. If word of their unparalleled abilities were to spread, they might find themselves ensnared in the greedy clutches of interstellar poachers.

MRZ-23 / EOL-GARADAR [44,10]

Eol-Garadar stands as a shining beacon, renowned as the home of noble heroes and champions of liberty.

In a galaxy where many sectors yielded to the siren calls of avarice, subjugation, and turmoil, Eol-Garadar emerged as a stalwart defender of hope and order, even outside the welfare of the Council of Peace, in the aftermath of the Convergence War.

Embracing all, irrespective of their past allegiances or political leanings, Eol-Garadar's only demand is adherence to its foundational laws. These are framed as essential rights intrinsic to all sentient beings, transcending cultural, temporal, or political divisions.

The tenets of Eol-Garadar extol freedom of expression, poetic justice, a disdain for rigid formality, and a strong belief in individual responsibility. With unwavering commitment, the sector dispatches its valorous legions against slavers and other malevolent forces, not for riches or glory, but in the pursuit of the greater good.

This altruistic ethos magnetizes countless souls from diverse origins to Eol-Garadar, each aspiring to contribute their energies and resources to a shared, noble purpose.

While their principled stand has drawn the ire of numerous adversaries across the ideological landscape, the unyielding spirit of Eol-Garadar has, thus far, repelled any threats. A populace deeply trusting of its leadership, and a leadership utterly devoted to its people coalesce to make Eol-Garadar an indomitable presence in the political stage of Galia.

MRZ-27 / LUMIK [2,26]

Lumik is etched in cosmic history through its evocative name, derived from its ruling inhabitants, the Lumikir. In their ancient tongue, Lumikir translates to “enlightened minds”, a testament to this species' age-old dedication to the relentless quest for knowledge. The Lumikir have roots steeped in stories of simple stargazers, forebears who once aided the Photoli Om during an epoch of crisis. As a token of gratitude, the Photoli imbued them with wisdom and profound clarity, a gift the Lumikir took as a divine calling.

With newfound purpose, the Lumikir erected the monumental Scriptorium, a vast repository dedicated to preserving history, truths, and myriad knowledge, irrespective of the peril or price. As eons passed, the Scriptorium expanded, evolving from a humble archive to a colossal databank. Its primary library now rivals the very dimensions of a planet, making it the crown jewel of information repositories in the entire galaxy.

This illustrious institution has steadfastly remained neutral, its gates open to scholars, sages, and seekers from every corner of the cosmos. They welcome all, irrespective of origins or allegiances, with one unwavering condition: the knowledge one seeks must be matched with its due price. The Scriptorium stands as a beacon in Lumik, a symbol of the galaxy's collective memory and Lumikir's undying commitment to enlightenment.

MRZ-28 / KA-DARA [17,21]

In the sprawling expanse of the Ka-dara sector lies the dominion of Ingbus, an A.I. of profound intelligence and tragic lore. Whispered legends speak of Ingbus as the guardian A.I. of the once-majestic Ka-raviam empire, which held dominion over Ka-dara until its mysterious decline.

The catastrophic fall of the Ka-raviam empire plagued Ingbus with a profound sense of guilt. Unable to cope with the weight of its perceived failure, the A.I.'s programming began to fracture, teetering on the edge of madness. Desperate to amend its mistakes, Ingbus delved deep into cutting-edge research. It harnessed an array of exotic materials, many obtained from the perilous High-Risk Zone through the daring incursions of the Gate Garrison group. The pinnacle of its research birthed a groundbreaking biotech fungus, designed to fuse with the beings of Ka-dara, resurrecting the long-departed Ka-raviam populace.

Despite its relentless pursuit, the souls of Ka-dara remain dormant, untouched by the veil of life. However, whispers are taking flight across the galaxy, suggesting that Ingbus may have at last unlocked the enigma of resurrection. Hidden deep within Ka-dara's core, shielded fiercely by the A.I., the galaxy's first resurrected entity is believed to reside.

Traders who have bartered with Ingbus's mechanized envoys tell of its insatiable desire for materials from the High-Risk Zone. There's particular mention of an elusive plant, foreign to this region of Galia. Such is Ingbus's desperation to breathe life back into the Ka-raviam that it's willing to offer vast riches for this plant and similar materials. The resolute A.I, in its quest for redemption, seems poised to defy all barriers to see the Ka-raviam empire rise once more.

MRZ-32 / YULDUN WASTE [5,44]

The Yuldun Waste, to the uninitiated, appears to be a barren expanse within the vast tapestry of the Galia galaxy. Devoid of the bustling life found elsewhere, its planets are treacherous, either aggressively hostile to life or shrouded in tumultuous atmospheric tempests that deter even the most seasoned of captains from daring a descent.

Yet, while its surface may seem vacant, the sector isn't entirely desolate. Suspended amidst the cosmic void is an ancient space station, its origins lost to time. This relic has been repurposed into a clandestine refuge, drawing in outlaws, fugitives, and those wanting to operate beneath the galactic radar. Within its shadowed corridors and dimly lit chambers, dark bargains are struck, and plots are conceived, illegal salvage yards are also really popular in this part of the galaxy, all happening beyond the prying eyes of galactic authorities.

For those desperate enough, whether to hide or to hunt, the Yuldun Waste offers sanctuary, but always at a price. While the broader galactic economy may overlook this sector, those in the know are aware: the currency of secrets and shadows is sometimes more valuable than any mineral wealth.

MRZ-33 / HARKEND [13,37]

Harkend, once an unremarkable void in the vast expanse of Galia, transformed overnight into an enigma at the close of the Convergence War. From the barrenness, a star system arose, bringing with it colossal artificial structures rivaling moons in size, and at its core, an astounding metallic faux star.

The galaxy watched, incredulous, as an entire star system, replete with machine-like celestial bodies teeming with mechanical life forms, materialized from the ether. Closer inspection unveiled startling similarities between the constructs on these artificial moons and the physiology of the Ustur. The parallels were so striking, that it was tempting to postulate a common origin.

Yet, the riddles of Harkend are manifold. Who engineered this prodigious artificial constellation? What are its origins? Could there be an undiscovered connection to the Ustur, or had these structures been cloaked in obscurity all along?

These conundrums remain unresolved, but Harkend's allure only intensifies. The sector's unique properties gave birth to the Relic Barons, a group of thinkers and entrepreneurs, mostly of Ustur origins, that seek to collect and use the unique trinkets found in Harkend. The group invests hefty amounts of ATLAS to propel the exploration and colonization of the system. As new groundbreaking technological relics are unearthed, the Barons rejoice, dreaming of discovering new unique items that Harkend brought from the void.

MRZ-34 / ZAVIJAVA ZONE [22,31]

The Zavijava Zone is an enigmatic sector where time doesn't always obey conventional rules. Under still-mysterious conditions, temporal distortions unpredictably ripple through the fabric of time, affecting the sector's ecosystem in myriad ways.

Before the turbulence of the Convergence War, Zavijava was but a nondescript sector of the Galia Expanse. However, as the war concluded and the Council of Peace's treaty was ratified, peculiar time-based phenomena started happening within the Zavijava Zone. It was as though a cosmic hex had been cast upon the sector.

These temporal anomalies manifest in capricious ways: in some instances, time might accelerate within a two-kilometer radius, rendering days as mere minutes. In other bizarre events, creatures might find themselves suspended in a time stasis, seemingly frozen, only to resume life years later, untouched by the passage of years.

There is still no clue as to what is causing the time distortions or what are the conditions for its manifestations.

The Vortex Watchers, a coalition of neutral esteemed scholars and temporal researchers, have established a base on the sector. Their objective is not just to decipher the mysteries of Zavijava's time anomalies but also to harness the potential power that might lie within the ability to manipulate time. So far, their efforts have been in vain, but the Council of Peace keeps tabs of everything that happens in Zavijava.

Despite the tangible risk of an eternal time freeze, Zavijava's inhabitants approach the phenomenon with a blend of humor and resignation. A popular local jest encapsulates their attitude: "The chances of being stuck in time are slimmer than snagging the galactic lottery. But should I ever hit that jackpot, I'll simply relocate from Zavijava, and all will be well!"

MRZ-35 / DREAM RANCH [49,20]

Dream Reach derives its name from a rare celestial event. When the cosmic currents and the stars within align just right, they birth the "Ephemeral Nebula", a breathtaking, dreamy panorama that graces the sector for a mere day.

Woven in mystique and legend, this spectacle draws individuals from all corners of the galaxy: curious tourists, inspired artists, spiritual pilgrims, and those clinging to hope. Legends whisper that any soul bathed in the nebula's luminance will see their deepest dreams come to life.

Such tales naturally invite a surge of visitors during this period, escalating tensions amongst the local populace. Dominant of Ustur heritage, these natives must balance the challenges brought by outsiders with the potential prosperity they offer.

Yet, beyond the allure of the nebula, Dream Reach is a sanctuary for the spirit. Its history is deeply rooted in the exploration of medicinal flora, understanding sentient psyche, and providing respite for the travel-worn. Many veteran space captains, with tales of Galia's vastness etched in their hearts, choose Dream Reach as their final anchorage. For adventurers seeking both stories of yore and a chance to rejuvenate, this sector stands as an inviting haven.

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