Faction: MUD territory
Founder: Loid (Co-founder)
Members: 1500 - 2000
Industry / Specialisation: Racing, Exploring, Mining, Manufacturing / Engineering, Science, PVP / Combat, Transport / Haulage.
The Club Guild members are pioneers of the Metaverse and NFT gaming space, and we give back to our community!
We are are a multi national community, believing in the future of this type of gaming which provides ownership to in-game digital assets. Our members are top early supporters of Star Atlas, including content creators, OG community members and significant asset holders. We are well known throughout the Star Atlas ecosystem. We have many members interested in P2E, P&E, GameFi, Web3 Gaming. We are not looking for Pay-to-Win or non-sustainable, hyper-inflationary projects.
- Top 3 ranking clan in EV.io FPS game
- Over $5Million in Star Atlas Assets held across our verified members
Tools we have built so far:
- Star Atlas Explorer https://explorer.staratlas.club/
- Star Atlas Pitstop, one click fleet resupplies https://pitstop.theclubguild.com/
- J33VES the guild bot can give insight to Star Atlas assets and even resupply your fleet for you!
- Good NFT game projects
- The social and financial inclusion of ALL
- To our community
- Contests, giveaways, rank promotions, rewards
- Content creation, media and knowledge
- 11k Youtube Subscribers - 28k Twitter followers
- As first movers in various ways
- Creative talent
- Good NFT projects with utility and sustainable models
//Open: Join our discord for more info
The Club Guild is a pioneer of the Metaverse and Play-To-Earn (P2E) gaming space and we give back to our community.
Our primary goal is the social and financial inclusion of all. Our global community of members play together as a tight knit team, earning cryptocurrency in return for their efforts.
We believe P2E is here to stay and major institutions may agree, as we see Facebook rebranding to Meta in an attempt to lay claim to a new found Metaverse. While Players and investors alike have already earned vast sums of money from crypto gaming, this is just the beginning.
The Club’s primary investment focus has been on the game, Star Atlas, a AAA VR crypto game being built on the Solana Blockchain and in the new Unreal 5 Engine. Star Atlas is a grand strategy game of space exploration, territorial conquest, political domination and more.
If you are looking for a strong guild that supports your independence within the metaverse, you came to the right place. Our members collectively hold $Millions in Star Atlas Assets to provide a safe and secure space for you to play within.

ClubCity - The Club verified membership NFT (OG)
We will form powerful alliances and partnerships to leverage our position. Utilise our resources and knowledge to carve out your own path.
The Club promotes the social and financial inclusion of ALL through our planned scholarships and the distribution of our large asset collection. We provide opportunity and hope for those seeking the riches of Star Atlas. We reward those who contribute to the guild. We give back to our community.
The Club is inviting ambitious and hardworking members to join us in our quest. We need fighters, we need explorers, we need miners, traders and pilots.... we need YOU!
Home Faction - MUD
This is where the majority of our main operations will take place, as they provide the best firepower to protect our members. Large security fleets will be important to our members.
Specialist Factions - ONI and Ustur
These faction members provide specialist resource mining, crew training and resource trade, allowing The Club to rapidly expand and develop. In return they receive security escorts and protection. Read our Medium article for more information: